Friday, December 18, 2009


Here is the twelfth and final installment in the kickin' it old school series.
Scintilla and I went to a birthday party for her younger cousin some time back and had a similar experience. This was the last comic we posted in the old style. I worked on another to follow this strip, but it got lost, and Scintilla and I decided to take a break from the comic and regroup. We started using Comic Press for Word Press and rehauling the design and style. The result is the new CT, which went up about six months later in October, a year after the original idea was hatched in our local pub. And now onward and upward!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Here is the eleventh installment in the kickin' it old school series.
Scintilla actually screamed this at someone in a grocery store at the age of three. This is a phrase we think every child should know.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Here is the tenth installment in the kickin it old school series.
More or less a reflection of what my mom tells me every time we discuss the comic.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Here is the ninth installment in the kickin it old school series.
This is the first double decker that we did in the old comics. I fought it for the longest time because I liked how PVP and The Least I could Do all the comics are the same size which makes them easy to read. Then I started to realized that some jokes just needed more space to work so I gave in to Scintilla's constant yowling. This is the result.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Here is the eighth installment in the kickin it old school series.
This is something that I did in our old apartment. That guy was a dick, I was like two minutes late, cool your fucking jets Buckaroo Bonzai. Though I did feel bad about doing it, in retrospect I don't know if I would do it again. Perhaps next time I will leave a note instead.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Here is the seventh installment in the kickin it old school series.
Revealing our penchant for dead and dismembered things in jars. And 80's sci fi flicks.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Here is the sixth installment in the kickin' it old school series.
Originally in the second panel I was going to have her eating her lunch, Scintilla didn't like the burger I drew so I drew her sleeping instead. It was a good change, methinks.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Here is the fifth installment in the kickin' it old school series.
We still have some nerdy plans for Lester, hopefully his lecherous entrance doesn't deter any one from his nerdy endearing side.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Here is the fourth installment in the kickin' it old school series.
This comic is based off of something that happened to a coworker of mine named Stuart, who asked our boss Chuck that his e-mail was down and if he could get it fixed and he promptly responded send IT and e-mail about it.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Here is the third installment in the kickin' it old school series.
This strip is where we meet Tako for the first time. We forgot to name drop again in the new version of this strip, so if you were unaware of who this was the first time it's Tako.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gilda Expression Sheet

Here is the first expression sheet that I did for Gilda. I hope to do more in the future. There are so many new and ridiculous expressions I could give her...

Top: (left to right) Neutral, indifferent, mad
Bottom: (left to right) Sad, Furious (or pooping furiously) surprised

Friday, November 13, 2009


Here is the second installment in the kickin' it old school series.
This used to happen to me from time to time, back in my days of being gainfully employed, where I would wake up in a panic, sensing something that something was wrong only to realize that I had to go to work. Scintilla doesn't want to go to work most days, so she can relate.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Expression Sheet August

Having a background in animation I approached this web comic the same way I would an animated short and created expression sheets to make sure that the characters stay consistent looking. Here are the first two I did for August, and I hope to do more in the future.

Top: (from left to right) Neutral, Mad, Sad, Quizzical
Bottom: (from left to right) Frustrated (or pooping), "O" Face (maybe a sneeze), Shock, Exuberant

Top: (from left to right) Tired, Suspicious, Rolling his eyes, Razzbury
Bottom: (from left to right) Stubbed his toe, Sexy Face (Drag Queen) Thinking, Irritated

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kickin' it Old School No.1

Over the next couple of days I will be posting all of the old comic strips. Consensual Tentacle first went live in January of 2009, and ran until around March or April before Scintilla and I decided to rehaul the project. We decided that the comic needed a new artistic style, and instead of just switching over we decided we should just start over in the new style (which I am still trying to refine) when we revived the comic in October of this year. Here is the first Consensual Tentacle that we posted back in January, where every day is an exasperating day of work.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


If you happened to go to APE (Alternative Press Expo) Con this year (October 17th -18th 2009) I hope that you happened upon Chris Vear's table, perused his art and picked up our flier. If you didn't come to APE - for shame! You should come next year, when Scintilla and I plan on having our own Consensual Tentacle table. But I digress, below are the fliers I created to distribute around the con this year.

Here are the sketches

This was the first sketch I did. We've accepted and acknowledged that that sex sells, so we thought we'd have a sexy Gilda. It also works well with the origin of Consensual Tentacle's title origins. This sketch pretty much was spot on, except for some changes I did to make Gilda more on model. We even ran with the tag line that I came up with.

Originally the idea was to have the opposite side be Gilda, August, and Tako at the bar drinking beer and with a multitude of expressions creating a more dynamic image. We ere going to go with our original tag line of a cyclops, a punk, and an octopus walk into a bar. This was me playing around with their expressions.

Here is is a more finalized sketch for the other side that we didn't go with. We decided to go with another idea for the back of the flier so I abandoned this idea. But this one features some new characters that will be making their debuts soon...

Here is the final version of the flier. I did all of it in Photoshop. We had a couple of other backgrounds in mind where I used textures but before it went to print we both agreed that having a Black background and a white outline just worked the best. Scintilla came up with the text layout.

Here is the second side of the flier, there aren't any sketches for this one because I sketched it digitally in Photoshop and then just went from there. We decided to continue with the sex sells theme and put August on the spot as well as Gilda. The response to Gilda in her bathing suit with Tako was of course August in his tighty whities on a bear skin rug. This shows off most of August tattoos including a big eagle on his chest, the heart on his sleeve, crack kills above his crack, the punk zombies eating a Hill Billy, and the metropolis pin up on his leg. When I have the time I plan to make full illustrations or flash for each of these tattoos.

The Blog

Scintilla seems to think I write like a monkey, that's why she writes the comic and I am but a lowly art slave, so I will try and keep my words brief. This blog is a place for me to post the old comics, sketches of new comics, concept art, and random things that I create for the comic or that have something do with the characters. I hope that this gives you an insight into my creative process and maybe even inspires you to create your own web comic, just as I was inspired by reading news paper and web comics, and the artists who created them.